With digital playing such a central role in every brand’s marketing activity, Crimson Cat have put together a few pointers to consider when evaluating whether your brand’s website is delivering as strongly as it should be.



Design for mobile
More and more of us are accessing websites using mobile devices; we’ve already reached the tipping point of more eCommerce going through mobile devices than desktop computers.


Consider page load speeds
As our lives speed up we are less willing to wait for websites to load and expect fast results when clicking links. Too slow and your customers could abandon your site. For example, a 2-second delay in load time.


Are you actually delivering your message – in the right way?
We all know content is king but how many marketers forget that when putting together a brief for what they want on their website. Business-to-business websites in particular often throw everything on each page in the hope some of it sticks.


Help them understand you quickly
In the same way that speed of load is crucial, getting website visitors to quickly understand what your brand is offering can be the difference between them engaging with the site or abandoning and going to a competitor.


Think about your images
We all react more positively to good imagery and as attention spans online decrease the images used are vital to attract attention quickly. But consumers are getting smarter.


Remember how it’s being viewed
Your website may look great on your desktop PC and tablet, but not everyone is viewing in the same way. Every browser has it’s quirks.


Digital personalisation used to be reserved for email marketing campaigns. No more. Your website can deliver different information and different experiences depending who’s looking at it.


Analyse, analyse, analyse
Google analytics may be on your site but when things get busy it’s easy to push review of these to one side. However you need to have a clear idea of which pages aren’t visited.


This is by no means meant to be an exhaustive list – we haven’t even mentioned SEO!